Diet Desires
Dining Without Guilt Blog
November 2020
Dr Hanna Frederick, Chief Desirist, Plymouth, NH, USA, drhanna@dietdesires.com | Subscribe | Diet Desires
Happy Thanksgiving to You and
Your Family!

This year, for most of us, our Thanksgiving celebration will be a first -- no family, no friends sharing our table. Only ZOOM… Mostly two-person recipes, so solos might just have leftovers. . . 😥
Thanksgiving is the most precious family holiday for my American husband. As for me, a Hungarian-American, the first time I celebrated Thanksgiving was when we arrived with my first (Transylvanian) husband to Cleveland, Ohio. To our surprise and delight, many of our new work colleagues invited us to share their table – a beautiful new custom for an immigrant.
Thanksgiving food is always very festive, rich. -- I learned with surprise that a baked turkey can be juicy! (The Hungarian skinny Christmas turkeys needed a chainsaw to slice!) For the last two decades, with my Californian hubby, we have always been with family or friends
at the table. Usually, hubby was the chef while
I gave him a hand as sous chef and baker, but not this time due to COVID.
Tips for spicing up a COVID-time
Most of us are strongly affected by the
Pandemic, and sadly this year, we are choosing Zoom and holding virtual holiday
family gatherings for small parties.
My Thanksgiving recipes are
designed for two people, but if your family is larger, you can multiply the
servings (see 2x or 3x "Ingredients" in the recipe). If you need a diet variation for your traditional
recipe, send me the comments after any of my recipes, and I get back to you
quickly with details how.
Ideas How to
Celebrate Thanksgiving Virtually With Our Loved Ones
We can
all feel more
connected if we share eating a pie at the same time! Even better,
if you choose the same pie to make. Then agree to eat it at the
same time – which might be a challenge if the family or friends live in a
different time zone!
How to
Share the Festive Food with Local Friends, Neighbors during COVID
Read a few great ideas in this article providing more tips like: planned doorstep food exchange, games etc.
6 steps to a happy life,
according to a top doctor
Being happy feels a whole lot better than not. It’s been proven that getting a little more of the happy stuff in our day, (however small), can be a boost for good health.
I could not agree more with the doc! But he missed out my favorite remedy: eating with pleasure without guilt!
So here are some new Thanksgiving recipes for you
Please send me any general comments you wish. I
reply to everyone. If you like the blog, pass it on to anyone – they can
Wish you Happy Thanksgiving, stay safe!
© 2020 Diet Desires
Hanna Frederick
Email: drhanna@dietdesires.com
Website: www.dietdesires.com
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